GTA V’s huge immersive world comes equipped with a full functional stock market, dynamic weather system and thousands of things to do around the 81km 2 map, it would make sense that you’re going to need a beastly PC to play this smoothly. However, cruising around Los Santos shooting up gang members and stealing tanks in the desert does come at a price.

Released for PC on the 14 th of April 2015, Grand Theft Auto 5 has firmly cemented itself as one of the highest grossing and biggest games to date. The newest addition to the infamous videogame series designed by Rockstar Games, GTA V is a hard-hitting, thrill seeking criminal playground. GTA5 NaturalVision: Evolved is also still behind a Patreon-wall (though its previous version, NaturalVision Remastered can be downloaded from here).GTA 5 PC Requirements - Can You Run GTA 5 System Requirements? GTA 5 Requirements graph - Can it run it? How well will your PC run GTA V? Similarly, the GTA 5 Remake Mod is still now available to the public. Let’s hope though that a public release will happen sooner than later. Now the bad news is that Grand Theft Auto 5: Definitive Edition is in a beta state, and only available to BadassBaboon’s Patreon members. As such, this video will give you an idea of what you can expect from this graphical overhaul mod. This video compares GTA 5: Definitive Edition with the game’s vanilla version.

In order to showcase this mod, BadassBaboon shared the following video. The modder has manually upscaled and improved every single texture, specular and normal maps. GTA V: Definitive Edition is a total texture overhaul that aims to replace the textures of the game world with 2K and 4K PRB textures and parallax textures. This mod has been in development prior to the announcement of the GTA: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition (so no, the modder did not copy that title from this recent release). BadassBaboon has been working on a graphics overhaul mod for GTA V, Grand Theft Auto 5: Definitive Edition.